It’s Officially Summer!
Can you believe it’s already July? These summer days are sure flying by. We hope your first month in your apartment was great! This month, we’ll be hosting an event each week for our residents. We strive to make an amazing community. Everyone is always welcome! Check out the Community Events Calendar for more details.
If you have any friends still searching for an apartment, refer them to The Flats! You and your friend(s) can each get a $150 gift card. And there’s no limit as to how many friends you can refer!
We hope you have a joyous July!
Special Highlight
If you have indoor parking, make sure you are parking in your assigned spot at all times.
Reminders and Updates
Your next rent payment is due on July 1.
Have a Successful Summer with CA!
With summer in full swing, you might be finding yourself with some extra time on your hands. Summer can be an amazing time to have fun, enjoy trips and activities, attend baseball games, go to a farmers market, and much more. But summer can also be perfect for gearing up professionally! Check out some of the following tips on how you can give yourself the “Campus Advantage” above your peers this summer:
- Visit your campus’s career center. Since it’s summer, they are often less busy and can give you individual support for updating your resume or prepping you for an upcoming interview.
- Log in to your resident portal and take advantage of the numerous resources in the Campus Advantage Career Success Portal!
- Even if you don’t absolutely need a job this summer, consider finding a low-key part-time position that could provide you with some extra resume experience. Consider positions with transferable skills that would benefit your major.
- Find a new volunteer opportunity or organization to join that fits a hobby of yours or helps others. Giving back looks great on your resume, makes a difference, and makes you feel good at the same time!
- Hard to believe that shopping can help your professional game, but stores often have sales on business wear during the summer. Check out the racks to see if you can find a few classic interview-appropriate pieces for the fall.
- Stop by the management office and let them know what kind of events they could host this summer/fall to help make you successful!
Share how you’re going to boost your success this summer with other Campus Advantage residents by posting on social media with the hashtag #CASummerSuccess.