Happy Fall
Hi, Flats residents!! We hope you’re settling in well and are ready for midterms. If you haven’t yet, please make sure to sign up for our text/email for upcoming events and reminders. We love for our residents to be in the know! Also, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook. And as always, we’re happy to help make your stay here at The Flats the best experience ever! If you have any questions/concerns, please give us a call at (309) 451-3528 or stop by our office.
Maintenance Tip
Please remember to submit a maintenance order as soon as you see something wrong or need assistance. We want to ensure that we are keeping up with the property!
Reminders and Updates
We are currently leasing for the 2019–2020 school year. Please come by the office and speak with one of our awesome CAs about rates.
Happy October!
We hope you’ve had a good start to the semester! Everyone should be settled in by now and ready to take on the school year. October will be packed with events and a special Resident Appreciation Week planned from October 2–6, so be sure to look at the events section in this newsletter.
Renewal rates and new lease rates are ready! Please stop by the front desk so we can answer any questions you have in regard to renewing your lease — we’re happy to help.
Get involved. Get ahead.
Did you know students who are involved outside of the classroom are more successful in their academic pursuits? If you haven’t already done so, we encourage you to find opportunities to get involved on campus and in the local community. Your campus’ student activities office is a great place to start to find out about clubs, organizations, and campus events. You can also connect with our team to find ways to get connected. Whether it’s the chess club or intramural football, or volunteering at a local shelter, we would love to help you find ways to get involved both at your Campus Advantage community and on campus.
How are we doing?
Have you filled out your resident satisfaction survey yet? Please take a moment to let us know how we’re doing! Simply visit http://ratemy.community. We are always working to improve your experiences!